BENEFITS OF EGRD AIR DRYERS FOR COMPRESSORS - 1) High-efficiency copper-tubed aluminium finned condenser : The hot, high-pressure refrigerant enters the condenser of the air compressor air dryer in a gaseous state, gets cooled through the forced circulation of cold air using a fan, and flows to the capillary tube in a liquid state. The condenser fan switches off/reduces speed based on the condensing pressure & dryer temperature. 2) High-efficiency aluminium-plated heat exchangers : The air to air, and air to refrigerant heat exchanger design of the EGRD refrigerated air dryer ensures cross flow between coolant and hot air thus minimising pressure drop and maximising thermal efficiency. The heat exchanger in the air dryer is insulated with environment-friendly material for high degree of insulation and efficiency with minimum impact on the environment. 3) Pressure-operated, 100% modulating mechanical type hot gas bypass valves : The advanced bypass valves in the air dryer ensure quicker and reliable response to changes in load conditions, maintaining optimum dew point at any load conditions. The bypass valves also prevent freezing phenomenon in the heat exchangers of the compressor dryer and ensures smoother and reliable operation due to complete mechanical system. 4) Full-feature dryer controller with remote monitoring : The advanced DMC24 controller in the EGRD refrigerated air dryer displays pressure dew point temperature, condensing pressure, total operation hours, and hours until next service. The EGRD compressor dryer controller also provides a failure prevention alarm and service warning and can stop of compressor in conditions of low refrigerant pressure/high discharge temperature. It can also automatically stop or reduce fan speed according to the condensing pressure and dryer temperature. 5) High-quality build design : The refrigeration compressor is hermetically sealed for high energy-efficiency. This also reduces the vibration and reduces noise in the refrigerated air dryer. A refrigerant filter ensures the humidity that enters the refrigerant system during refrigerant replacement does not clog the system. High-quality copper tubes ensure that the refrigerant flows into the heat exchanger in the liquid state and reduced temperature. 6) Condensate-sensing drains : A level-sensing zero loss drain in the EGRD air dryer for compressor removes the condensate from the system with no air loss.
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